Mar 28, 2013

Mar 22, 2013


Thought I would add three pictures so you can see my progress on the daffodils.  :)
I still have lots of blocking to do.


Daffodil Wreath

I have been a happy, busy person making lots of daffodils!  They are so cute.
My friends and I are getting together on March 23, 2013 to have an evening of crafts and to celebrate Earth Hour.  (Click here if you would like to find out more about Earth Hour.)  We will hang out by candle and use no electricity during the hour.  Last year we had a lot of fun doing this.  This reminds me of the hour we had no power during my wedding... that was interesting.  Thankfully it only lasted an hour and we had lots of candles.  The power came back on and then we were able to continue on dancing!
Back to the daffodils... I will be aiming to put all the pieces together on Saturday during our evening of crafts.  I already have around 20 made.  This weekend I should have a beautiful wreath to show you!  I am getting all jumpy inside excited to see how it all looks at the end.  Hopefully you are too. 

Mar 15, 2013

Daffodil Wreath! So exciting!

I have been inspired by Lucy of Attic 24!  And distracted from finishing the baby blanket again.... Ooopsies!
Lucy is making a Easter wreath out of all sorts of beautiful crocheted flowers.  I have really enjoyed seeing her daffodils and wanted to make some for myself as soon as she put the pattern up (here).  I have decided that my wreath will be a spring time wreath.  I will make lots of daffodils and a green wreath. I am very excited to see it come together.   
I think I will pull some more inspiration from the construction of a spring time wreath Lucy worked on a while ago.
You know, its very hard to stick to one project when my fingers just want to keep trying new crochet things.

Mar 8, 2013

Crochet Baby Blanket

Hello all, so sorry to keep you waiting....
I am still working on finishing the baby blanket edging.  I am trying to find the perfect edging for this blanket.  Selling the house, getting started on removing clutter from the house, joining and learning all about Pintrest and a 1000 piece puzzle have all slowed my progress down on finishing this blanket. 

Thankfully, my friend is due in May. 
I still have some time to get the blanket done.  :)